Barry lived a life dedicated to helping others, a true reflection of his authentic, caring nature. He inspired everyone around him to strive for a better world.
As a founding member of the Beaches Rotary Club in 1999 and later joining the East York Rotary Club in 2019, Barry’s commitment to service knew no bounds. He consistently reminded us to consider the less fortunate, both in our local communities and across the globe.
Barry’s passion for our programs was evident, but he especially cherished his role as Santa Claus, bringing joy and magic to countless children. His soft voice and kind, remarkable presence made him truly one of a kind.
Barry is also a three time recipient of the Paul Harris Award, one of the highest forms of recognition of merit.
In Barry’s honor, we are raising funds for the International Foundation to support Rotary’s mission to eradicate Polio—a cause that was close to his heart.
We will deeply miss Barry, but his legacy of compassion and service will continue to inspire us all.